To formulate the best logo, it should be a symbol, or a text, perfect combination of colour schemes, fonts and the list of tips goes on!
If the logo can speak after listening to tips of formulating best logo design, its reply would be like…
“Sorry, but you don't understand me! Please don't create myths”
Do you believe that logo is just a design which you can define as a symbol, text or combination of colour schemes?
Definitely, No.
Do you remember the downfall of the GAP's logo? How quickly it abandoned the endeavour after it met with a furious backlash from followers on Twitter and Facebook? It suddenly changed its iconic and classic logo without any consultation campaign with their loyal customers — which results as their greatest downfall.
Thus, here's my point proved. If it's a matter of only symbols, fonts, colour schemes, the text, then surely, GAP wouldn't have faced this fall.
To get the science behind the logo you've to understand the intellectual and logical activity including the organized study of the consumer faith and company's impression.
Here the term consumer trust means how they perceive you? What do they feel about your business?
Let me explain with an example of Logo Shape Consumer Perceptions.
People find the use circles shape more comfortable, trusted, and flexible, sensitiveness, while triangle shape as a less comfort, more of hardness, less flexible, sensitivity.
This is because the logo shape has a big part to play in consumer perception, it can also be accentuated or reduced by accompanying visual imagery in an advertisement. This is due to how mental imagery is processed by the recipient.
Generation of mental images happens in what psychologists call the visuospatial sketchpad of working memory. This sketchpad can be constrained if opposing visual imagery or ad headlines differ from the inference drawn from the logo shape.
Learning a science behind the logo is super easy — only when you avoid wasting time on experimenting with myths of logo design.
Here are the 3 common myths of logo design which you should listen at your own risk.
There is no other design format more misunderstood and mystified than logo design. I'll share a few…
#1 A logo must have a symbol
Not really. Some of the most famous logos have no symbols at all, just well-crafted types as SONY, MICROSOFT, FedEx and the list goes on.
The definition of best logo design doesn't necessarily require a symbol. However, this is not to say that logos should not carry symbols. Sometimes a symbol can become more memorable and ubiquitous than the company name itself, such as the case of Apple, Nike or Pepsi.
But if you're just a startup then try NOT to have a symbol for your brand. Because, symbols are not just another hindrance, a superfluous decoration which doesn’t add value or meaning.
#2 A logo has to be “timeless”
This sentence itself a myth.
Everything has an expiry date, and so the Logo design has. From time to time, they need to undergo plastic surgery to make them look less antiquated and more in line with current trends. Companies like Shell, IBM, Xerox, Volkswagen and Coca Cola changed their logos nearly a dozen times so far, improving their look with each iteration.
So don’t worry about creating a timeless logo. Create something that works now and there will be plenty of time to improve it later.
#3 A logo has to be likeable
There is nothing in the world which has No haters. Everyone has its perception level, thus judge things accordingly. So it doesn't matter that you have been liked by everyone or not.
Purpose of logos is to provide a unique signature that will become associated with the qualities of the company.
However you want your logo to make the best logo for your business then here are few pross that will land you a fantastic, desirable, unique and signature logo.
So let's begin….
#1 Keep it simple
Simplicity is a key ingredient for logos because most consumers only focus on a logo for a short time. A simple design can express your brand’s personality concisely and effectively.
The best reason for using a simple logo design is that you focus on just one attribute (main attributes) of your brand. So with this, you show up your core brand value to your audience.
Simple things are easy to remember and thus they'll understand and learn more about core values of your business.
#2 It should be dynamic
A good logo can be used in a variety of ways, shapes, and situations. For example, a logo you can only use in one size online is not very good, as it limits the ways you can expose your brand to the world. On the other hand, choosing a logo that can be resized, printed, or placed on different media makes your brand significantly more visible.
On a design level, keeping the clutter to a minimum and opting for a simple design will instantly make your logo more versatile. Having too many lines, flourishes, elements, or colours can create a complicated design that will scale poorly. Instead, keep in mind that you have limited real estate, and focus on saying more with less.
#3 Don't overdo the colour
Colours schemas are crucial in determining a brand’s message. For example, if you use red as the main colour in your logo, it will send the message of the brand being aggressive, passionate, and energetic. This means that your brand intends to target young customers. If blue is the colour of the feelings of intelligence and togetherness. This is the reason that most of the social channels such as Facebook have logos in blue.
So keep it simple and don't overdo with it.
You may think that logo design is hard. But No, the truth is, it is very easy. Simply by following the basics principals which I shared you, of logo design, you can come up with the rich, desirable design.
However, if you want us to design your logo or want a free consultation on it - give us a call on +919822234768.